Il cortometraggio “Icetea” all’11° Los Angeles CineFest
The short film “Icetea” at 11th Los Angeles CineFest
Distribuzione cortometraggio
11° Los Angeles CineFest
“Icetea” di Alessia Buiatti è nella selezione ufficiale dell’11° Los Angeles CineFest, USA.

Short film distribution
11th Los Angeles CineFest
“Icetea” by Alessia Buiatti has been selected at the 11th Los Angeles CineFest, USA.
📅 The US premiere of the film is set for tomorrow, Sunday, January 12 from 12pm at LAPAC – Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory.
🎥 Production: Zeta Group video&comunicazione , with MILK – Minds In a Lovely Karma and Buona Visione
Distribuzione cortometraggio
11° Los Angeles CineFest
“Icetea” di Alessia Buiatti è nella selezione ufficiale dell’11° Los Angeles CineFest, USA.

Short film distribution
11th Los Angeles CineFest
“Icetea” by Alessia Buiatti has been selected at the 11th Los Angeles CineFest, USA.
📅 The US premiere of the film is set for tomorrow, Sunday, January 12 from 12pm at LAPAC – Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory.
🎥 Production: Zeta Group video&comunicazione , with MILK – Minds In a Lovely Karma and Buona Visione