Distribution of the short film "Amplified"
Short films distribution: "Amplified" by Dina Naser
Hind is a charming young Karate athlete with a hearing disability. After she’s subjected to a violating incident at the Karate center, Hind’s world gets distorted. The sensual narrative, accompanied by an authentic sonic experience, dives into what happens when safe spaces are shattered in the ugliest of ways. Through the eyes and ears of Hind, we sway between the tenderness and harshness of pain, the silence and the noise, and the hidden and the manifest.


Poster of the short film "Amplified" by Dina Naser
Hind is a charming young Karate athlete with a hearing disability. After she’s subjected to a violating incident at the Karate center, Hind’s world gets distorted. The sensual narrative, accompanied by an authentic sonic experience, dives into what happens when safe spaces are shattered in the ugliest of ways. Through the eyes and ears of Hind, we sway between the tenderness and harshness of pain, the silence and the noise, and the hidden and the manifest.
Poster of the short film "Amplified" by Dina Naser



Jordan, Egypt ,Palestine   2024 / 19′

a film by
Dina Naser

Malak Nasser
Suhad Khatib
Nadeem Al-Rimawi

Screenplay Dina Naser
Director of Photography Eric Devin
Production Design Nada Wadi
Editor Islam Kamal
Dina Naser
Sound Ensieh Maleki
Producer Batoul Ibrahim
Dina Naser
Production Company Madd Moshawash
Distribution Esen Studios

Production company and co-productions of the short film "Amplified"
Official selections and awards of the short film "Amplified" by Dina Naser


  • BERLINALE – Berlin International Film Festival – Generation   Germany, 2024 
  • HollyShorts Film Festival   USA, 2024 
    BEST SHORT FILM GRAND PRIZE | Qualifies for Oscars
  • ATHENS International Film and Video Festival   USA, 2024 
    BLACK BEAR AWARD for Sound Design
  • Seoul International Women’s Film Festival   South Korea, 2024 
  • Minikino Film Week   Indonesia, 2024 

Official Selections

  • BERLINALE – Berlin International Film Festival  Germany, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • HollyShorts Film Festival  USA, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • Sarajevo Film Festival  Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • AIFVF – Athens International Film and Video Festival  USA, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • CIFF – Cleveland International Film Festival  USA, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • LA Shorts International Film Festival  USA, 2024
    Academy Award Qualifying Film Festival
  • International Short Film Festival of Cyprus  Cyprus, 2024
    EFA European Film Awards Qualifying Film Festival
  • DOKUFEST – International Documentary and Short Film Festival  Kosovo, 2024
    BAFTA Qualifying Film Festival
  • SLO FILM FEST – San Luis Obispo Int. Film Festival  USA, 2024
  • International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival  Turkey, 2024
  • Seoul International Women’s Film Festival  South Korea, 2024
  • BRNO16 International Short Film Festival  Czech Republic, 2024
  • AMMAN International Film Festival  Jordan, 2024
  • FICC – Festival de Cine de Cuenca  Ecuador, 2024
  • Minikino Film Week  Indonesia, 2024
  • KCD ONGD – Festival Internacional de Cine Invisible Bilbao  Spain, 2024
  • Tetova International Film Festival  North Macedonia, 2024
  • Humans of Film Festival  Netherlands, 2024
Dina Naser, director

Dina Naser

Dina Naser is a Jordanian/Palestinian director and producer. In 2013, Dina received the Docnomads scholarship for a Master’s Degree in Documentary Filmmaking. She began shooting her debut feature documentary “Tiny Souls” in 2012, and over the course of five years Dina filmed the lives of children as they unfolded inside Zaatari Refugee Camp-Jordan. “Tiny Souls” premiered in 2019 in CPH Dox, and was well-received internationally, such as Sheffield Doc Fest, IDFA, DOK Leipzig and Busan. The film was awarded the Human Rights Film Award at Dokufest and the Sunbird Award for Best Documentary Feature at the Palestine Film Festival, amongst other awards. Dina also directed the award-winning short film “One Minute” (2015), a sound-motivated piece about a woman living in Gaza while under attack in 2014. In 2017, Dina founded a multi- media production company, Madd Moshawash, with the vision of blurring the line between documentary and fiction through creating artistic and experimental work. In 2019, Dina co-founded “Rawiyat”: a new collective of female filmmakers from the Middle East, North Africa and the diaspora joining forces to imagine a new landscape in the region and beyond.

Director statement

The world of the film is inspired by a true story. As a documentary filmmaker, I always find reality more inclusive and inspiring than our imagination, if we observe it closely and mindfully. This is why I constantly borrow from it. “Amplified” gives an insider’s look to the world of an Arab teenage girl with a disability – a world that for the most part is distant to most audiences. I find it important to try to create space for diverse representation of characters that we don’t usually see on screen, to express themselves, as truthfully as possible, especially about controversial topics like sexual harassment. By creating bold narratives, we plant seeds for conversation and action that can challenge our shame-and-blame culture. The film will take us on a journey into Hind’s silent world – a seemingly sonic stillness that, in fact, is always pregnant with vibrations that often speak louder than words or sounds. I am curious to artistically explore Hind’s inner world as we see her being forced into maturity in one single day.